What’s your opinion on integrating Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp’s messaging services?

2018 was not a good year for Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, after a security breach that affected 50 million of its users. Promising to do better next time, it seems like he’s attracted attention once again after mulling to integrate the messaging services of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

The aforementioned social media services are owned by Facebook with Instagram and WhatsApp having autonomy. But from the latest happenings, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Targeting the year 2020, users would be able to interact with others within those three apps. Just so you know, this wouldn’t happen by creating another app, instead, developers would be changing the core of each that’d be most likely patched to the respective services.

To make sure they won’t mess up users’ information, they’d be adding end-to-end encryption in the process. But what’s in it for them after all is said and done?

What’s in it for Facebook


By having a tight core between the three services, Facebook will have more control on advertisement thus increasing their profit margin since there’ll be more users to target. It’s also expected to see an ecosystem of their own to be rising as most smartphone users use at least one of the three apps. After all, Facebook is all about connecting you with others.

What the company might be seeking here is the level of interaction with their services. After being accused of manipulating political agendas and grilled of mishandling user data, Facebook’s growth continues to slow down, and the thing that they could only do for now is to increase that interaction.

What’s in it for us

Despite the sensitivity of the matter, it’s a service of convenience to its users. Personally, I’d rather have a centralized messaging system than installing another app just to talk to another person. It also means we don’t have to learn how to use another app just for the same reason (I still hate WhatsApp’s cluttered user interface).

Security-wise, although we have doubts regarding its end-to-end encryption, it’s still a form of security that’d prevent anyone from barging into our privacy across the three of the most used online services in the world.

But what’s your opinion about it

We have only scratched the surface here and there’s a lot more to talk about like user permissions, the effect on business owners, and how much the three services will change after a core restructure. But what about you, what’s your opinion on the matter?

Read : Three reasons why Facebook Marketplace is better, safer than OLX PH

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