Home Tech Guides How to Configure Your Work Location in Google Calendar

How to Configure Your Work Location in Google Calendar

It’s easy to keep track of your schedule using Google Calendar, a time management service that lets you schedule events, meetings, and more—and then share those schedules with others. Personal and professional timetables, as well as events and meetings, may all be managed effectively using Google Calendars. People who need to coordinate schedules with others or manage numerous calendars may find this feature extremely helpful.

Google Calendar’s “Work location” option lets you enter the address of your office.
By adjusting this preference, you may personalize the Google Calendar app’s location-based features, such as the “Commute” function, which can show you data about your commute to and from work.

The calendar will utilize your work location to:

  • Display your predicted work commute time on the calendar.
  • Provide commuter traffic information and notifications.
  • Schedule workplace events and appointments.

Also Read: How to Propose a New Time in Google Calendar

Setting your Google Calendar work location On a PC

Step 1: Navigate to “Settings.”

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Step 2: Click “Work hours” on the left-hand menu.

Step 3: When you get to the “Work hours” section, select “Add a location.”

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Step 4: Place a name like “Home” or “Office” in the “Location name” section to indicate where you will be working.

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Step 5: Select the days of the week and hours you regularly work here using the drop-down boxes.

Your preferences will be saved automatically.

Setting your Google Calendar Using Android

Step 1: Just like on PC, navigate to “Settings.”

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Step 2: Press “Working Location”

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Step 3: Enter your work location address or name to add or change it.

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Step 4: You may also list your regular workdays and hours.

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To ensure that meetings are planned so everyone can attend, Google Calendar makes it easy for employees to know when and where they are taking place. Companies may increase the efficiency and productivity of both remote and in-office workers by utilizing this technology to manage meetings and communication better. When you make an event in Google Calendar, your current location will appear alongside the time and date. Repeat the steps above to include all of your offices in your schedule.

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