Home Tech Guides One of the Most important Features of the Youtube App just Launched...

One of the Most important Features of the Youtube App just Launched on Ios

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Take it or leave it, practically every smartphone user utilizes YouTube. It is the most popular video site for conducting research, watching entertainment videos, and watching live streaming events, among other things. Even before the YouTube app, most consumers utilized the main YouTube website to access the platform.

Since the release of the YouTube app, many users have turned their attention away from the main website and toward the App. As a result, YouTube developers are always working to ensure that the app delivers the greatest user experience at all times. This is why YouTube routinely releases updates to repair faults and add new features.

Related: YouTube’s Finally Separated Shorts and Regular Videos

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When it comes to features, there is one that most YouTube app users have wished for for quite some time. The YouTube Widget is what it is.

Widgets have steadily crept into our daily smartphone usage. There are moments when you wish you could accomplish something quickly without having to launch the entire program. This is what Widgets are capable of. Widgets provide quick access to the most useful parts of an app, allowing you to do so with a single tap.

This is the current emphasis of YouTube for iOS and iPadOS users. YouTube just announced two new homescreen Widgets for iPhone and iPad users.


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The first Widget is known as the ‘Quick Actions Widget,’ and it measures 42. It appears to be the one that most users will become accustomed to. It contains the standard YouTube Search section, where you can instantly search for anything on YouTube. Another microphone button may be found to the right of the search bar. It is a microphone button that allows you to search YouTube using voice input.


There are three more buttons beneath. The home button is the first. Tapping it will send you to the YouTube home screen in the same way that the official YouTube app does.

The second button functions as a shortcut for YouTube Shorts. Taping it will take you to the YouTube Shorts page. YouTube only allows you to watch brief videos without interruption.

The Subscriptions button is the final one on the far right. If you only want to see videos from the channels to which you have subscribed. This is the quickest and most convenient method.


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The second widget is significantly smaller than the first. This widget is known as the ‘Search Widget.’ It has a diameter of 22. It will be extremely useful for individuals who primarily use YouTube to search for content. So, if you’re the type of user that opens the YouTube app primarily to search for a certain piece of content, this is for you.

Because to its minimalist appearance, this widget does not take up much space on your homescreen.

Both applications include a white backdrop and a dark mode function. However, it selects this functionality based on the theme you are using. When you use a dark mode theme, you get a dark backdrop. If you use a white backdrop, the app will use the same white background.


First and foremost, the new functionality arrived as an update. So, before you can use the YouTube Widget, you may need to update your YouTube app. After upgrading the app, open it and then close it. You then search your homescreen for an empty place. Hold your finger on the empty spot for a few seconds. The widget selector will appear in the top left corner of your phone. You should be able to discover the YouTube Widgets among the widgets.


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