Home Tech Editorials Five Advantages of Having a Smartphone in Hand

Five Advantages of Having a Smartphone in Hand


Smartphones are as normal as it can be these days. Almost everyone has them and its not much of a surprise as to why. They have many uses and many features that could help us, on our day-to-day work or personal activities, helps us set up perfect schedules and whatnot. So in regards to that, we figured to dig in a bit deeper and provide you guys with five advantages of having a smartphone in hand.

You can never get bored

Well, if you have a smartphone in hand, theres no way boredom would creep in on you, for as long as you still have good battery. Smartphones are the ultimate source of entertainment that can function as a video player, music player, gaming console and even camera, so the possibilities are endless and adding to this is the ability to be a portable pc, making the internet, simply a swipe away and we all know that the internet is the ultimate source of internet.

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Multiple ways to contact you

Thanks to your smartphone, they’re many ways for people to contact you, efficiently. Either through your direct phone line, through your email or through your social media. Smartphones are an all-in-one device, which means you can access through all these means of communication with just one device, making it very convenient for you and for the people whose contacting you. This proves its uses on certain scenarios such as job interview invitations or personal emergency scenarios that require you to get as much information as possible.

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Payment transactions that are a press or swipe away

There are many payment options that somehow made more easier through the smartphone. This is one of the most many uses of smartphones and one example is bank transactions. Normally, you would need to go the bank and fill up a couple slips, stand in a line and talk to clerk about depositing or withdrawing your account contents, but through the magic of smartphones and technology as a whole, all these troubles will just be a thing of the past. Bank transactions are now possible through smartphone, without leaving the premises of your household and the hassle of going into a huge line. Talk about convenience, delivered small eh?

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A portable and easy to carry PC

We mentioned on the first part of this list that a smartphone is a very portable version of a normal pc, making it more efficient to access the internet anywhere and everywhere, for as long as you have WiFi or data. The internet is the ultimate source of all our current needs, socially, entertainment-wise and communication-wise. We rely heavily on the internet and we don’t even notice. Its an ever day place that we go to, to either get along with far off friends or buy certain needs that you want to buy, for a greater deal and having that much utility on our pocket is something that has provide time and time again to be really, really good.

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Can store a huge amount of information for easy access

Your smartphone is practically your wallet. Wherein all your records, data’s and every bit of information about you could be stored. (referring to wallets, wherein we put id’s and information related stuff) Smartphones are an easy to store place, wherein you can put as much information as you want, though you have to be careful about putting all valuable information in one place. Since just like computers, smartphones are prone to be hacked or taken over by people who has malicious intent on you or the information you hold. Despite this danger, smartphones are still a good storage place, since one device is practically enough to get you through the day, with all your different transactions and purchases that would otherwise require you to have a lot of in hand information. All thanks to your trusted buddy.

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