Home Lifestyle 5 Tips On Staying Positive During Bad Days

5 Tips On Staying Positive During Bad Days

There are some people who think that they are entitled to become rude, negative, depressive, angry and moody just because life is hard to them.

As much as I hate to break it to you, I have to. Life is hard for everybody else in this world but have you ever realized why other people are able to deal with it fittingly? It takes the right attitude to do so. Do not let circumstances dictate your attitude and do not let it change the great person you are. Just like how much you need kindness from the universe, the world is also in need of kindness from you — a lot of it.

There will always be moment when you feel like snapping glares at someone because you are having a crappy day. Negativity is not the answer to an existing bad situation. Why not kill it with great optimism? Yes, you can manage it!


Here are few tips you can sport every time you feel like throwing your Paris Hilton moments to people around you. Remember this: Your kindness will soon be forgotten, be kind anyway.


why_you_must_think_positive1. Think of their families, or more likely yours – Every time you are tempted to snarl at someone, may it be a co-worker, an employee or a waiter just because you think they are performing less than they should and is causing you delays, give yourself an instant check of conscience. Just imagine how you would feel when someone else did what you are about to do to your mother, father, siblings and friends.


2. Kill them with kindness – The biggest victory is the ability to remain cool when people are expecting you to burst in anger. Instead of giving them the advantage of giving you stress, show them that you are unaffected by their wrongness. Instead of exerting your energy by getting angry, be sympathetic to them as they are obviously the people who are in pain for making life so hard for their own. Be the bigger person and do not let them ruin your good mood.

smiling-baby3. Smile, always – Study shows that forcing yourself to smile whenever you feel sad is very effective in lifting up your mood. People who always smile are more attractive, obviously as they give this clear message that they are up for good things and positive connections.

smalls-tuff-quote4. Don’t sweat the small stuff – Even if you are facing the hardest struggle ever, remember that ‘This too shall pass’. Just bring to memory the previous struggles you have had and were able to survive at. They are even much more harder than what you are currently facing. Your attitude depends on your choice. You can choose to face the challenge with confidence and positivity or opt to face it with negative thinking, bursting to tears and shouting curses. Of course, the latter will waste more energy.


5. Look for the light – There’s always a positive side to everything. It just depends on which side you are focusing your attention at, the more you dwell on the negativity of your life the sadder you become. But, the more you appreciate the good things in your life the more contented and thankful you grow.

Take note of this simple but powerful adage: “Rudeness is a weak man’s imitation of strength.” Do you agree?

Have any additional tip on positivity you’d love to share? Sound it off in the comments below!


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