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Metrobank Bills Payment Service – a more convenient way to pay your bills


Experience the most convenient way of paying your bills online with Metrobank

To experience the online banking service of Metrobank, you should have a Metrobank Savings Account. This service offers a variety of options such as funds transfer, credit card applications, and Metrobank Bills Payment Services.

Guide: Metrobank Online Banking

Customers are required to enroll an online account in order to obtain online banking services. To sign up, you should first go to their website where you will be prompted to fill up a form which you must fill out accurately.

metrobank online

The website will then ask you about your online account preference. You will be asked to choose between ATM and Credit card account options. You will also be asked to enter a 19-digit card number which can be seen on your respective cards. The website advises their clients to add zeros in order to correctly fill out the form and advance to the next procedure.

A one-time password will be given to the user which he/she will use in activating and logging in their online accounts for the first time. An email will be sent to the user which contains the link for the activation of their account Activating your account will be the last procedure and this will be the beginning of your hassle-free Metrobank Online Banking Service experience.

Metrobank Bills Payment Service

Metrobank offers their Bills2Pay Service which is an online monthly bill payment service that provides a fast, reliable and secure bills monthly payment for customers who already have an online banking account.

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Customers are required to enroll their respective billing merchants which vary from different establishments – from telcos to electric and water companies. The idea of the Bills2Pay service is to promote a faster and more secure way of paying your monthly bills with just a click from your computer or a swipe from your smartphone. This will benefit people particularly those who are always on the go.

For questions and inquiries, you can contact Metrobank through their customer service hotlines.

  • Metrobank Customer Service Hotline: 8-700-700
  • Metrobank Customer Service Hotline (Toll Free): 1-800-1888-5775

You can also check their website for online queries regarding Bills2Pay terms and conditions.

Metrobank Mobile Banking App


Metrobank also offers their mobile banking app which is free to download and is available for both Android and iOS. The app offers various online banking transactions such as: checking your balance, purchasing mobile prepaid load as well as paying your bills with their Bills2Pay service.


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