Home Tech Guides How to Clear WordPress Cache

How to Clear WordPress Cache


Do you want to delete the cache on your WordPress website? If so, this is a comprehensive guide demonstrating numerous methods for doing that. In this article, you will specifically discover two techniques for clearing the cache in WordPress. To be more precise, this guide explains how to use a plugin to clean the WordPress cache. I’ll also go over how to complete this process using your web hosting service’s file manager.

Clear Cache Using a Plugin

One of the best ways to clean your WordPress cache is with a help of a plugin. There are tons of free plugins on WordPress that can help you do that. Although we recommend using the W3 Total Cache plugin. Here are the steps for installing and how to use the W3 Total Cache Plugin in WordPress.

Step 1: Using your admin account, log in to WordPress and go to the Plugins tab on the left pane and select Add New. 1 1

Step 2: Next, search the W3 Total Cache Plugin. 2 1

Step 3: Install the W3 Total Cache Plugin. 3 1

Step 4: Click the Activate button to enable the W3 Total Cache Plugin. 4 1

Step 5: Go to the Performance tab 5 1

Step 6: Finally, in the W3 Total Cache dashboard, click the empty all caches button to clear the WordPress cache. 6 1

Another option is to hover your mouse on the Performance tab on the top and select Purge All Caches. 7 1

Clearing WordPress Cache Through Your Web Hosting Service

If you don’t want to install any plugins on your WordPress, then this is fortunate for you since you can clear your cache via the file manager on your web hosting service. Here are the steps on how to do it.

Step 1: Log in to your web hosting account’s dashboard first. then on the Manage Services section click the Manage Services. 2.1

Step 2: Then, from the list of products and services, pick your WordPress website. 2.2

Step 3: Under Quick Shortcuts, select File Manager.2022 08 29 11 18 44 1 57

Step 4: Inside the File Manager, navigate this ( home > website name > wp-content > cache ) using the folders on the left pane. 2.4

Step 5: Once you find your way to the cache folder, click Select All and select delete to clear your cache.2.5

Step 6: As a result, you will be prompted to confirm your decision before moving the chosen files to the trash. Before clicking the Confirm button, check the Skip the trash and permanently delete the files box in the dialog. 2.6

If you are wondering whether clearing the cache is good for your website, the answer is yes since cached data are temporary data stored in software or hardware. With this, you will website will load information faster than before. There are other plugin options that you can use like WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, and WP Super Cache.


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