A few days back, from Tuesday, Feb. 20 to Wednesday, Feb. 21, ChatGPT, went on a bit of a word spree, dishing out some seriously confusing stuff. It was like it had taken a detour into a language carnival, tossing out made-up words, sentence fragments, and just overall linguistic chaos.
OpenAI, the brain behind ChatGPT, didn’t share on what caused this rollercoaster. When users started scratching their heads, OpenAI simply said, “We’re looking into the weird ChatGPT responses,” on their status page.
Here are some of the weird reponses from the AI Chatbot
This continued for 16 hours until OpenAI finally stepped in and announced that they’ve sorted things out.
So, what do you think happened during those weird hours of gibberish?
Check out the OpenAI forum here
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