Home Tech News Humans Could Live 200 Years Longer with a New Drug

Humans Could Live 200 Years Longer with a New Drug

Humans Could Live
Humans Could Live

Dr. Andrew Steele explores how to live longer in a recently published book (Ageless: The new science of getting older without getting old). The doctor argues in the book that a new drug makes it feasible to live beyond humans’ standard lifespan of 100 years. The lifespan of a human could be extended by up to 200 years with the help of a miracle drug.

Ageless Book

According to Steele, researchers are developing senolytics, a new field that could lead to drugs that extend human lives.

As a result, cells that degrade tissue functions can be eliminated. When we age, our cells stop dividing, resulting in the accumulation of ‘zombie’ cells. Therefore, it accelerates human aging.

Cellular Senescence: A Common Thread Across Age-Related Diseases | Technology Networks

In recent decades, researchers have been looking for ways to reverse or even stop aging altogether, a concept that is intriguing to consider. High-profile researchers have previously said that changing the signs of aging in humans is not far off. However, it remains to be seen whether this would eradicate aging.

However, if senolytic drugs could eliminate these compounds, which could slow down or prevent aging entirely, in 2020, intriguing results were found in a trial involving mice that improved physical capabilities and extended their life expectancy. Since mouse genes function similarly to human genes, many believe that we can increase human longevity in the same way.



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