Five Features That We Want to See on The Samsung Galaxy S7

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is truly, one of the most anticipated smartphones to come next year and its not much of a brainer as to why. The possibilities that the Galaxy S7 might feature today’s very unique smartphone traits is pretty much endless and with that in mind, we made a list of five features that we want to see on the Galaxy S7.

A 4K UHD display

With the Xperia Z5 Premium highlighting this certain display feature, it won’t be much of a shocker to see Samsung’s upcoming flagship to feature this trait, which could be either on the S7 or on the S7 edge. Either way, the amazingly unnoticeable at first 4K UHD might be somewhat of a lone feature that has a high possibility of actually being implemented, which sounds relatively good, since with that particular feature, the Galaxy S7 might be something to amaze, not only loyal Samsung users, but non-Samsung users alike.

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Dual rear shooters

Dual rear shooters have been something that has slowly garnered the attention of many smartphone users. A secondary sensor will inevitably increase the shooting capability of the Galaxy S7 and would highlight wide angle shooting and background format shooting as its finest. With a lets say, 5MP secondary rear shooter backing up a 23MP main shooter, the possibility of amazing shooting prowess is endless, though we feel this is more of a longshot and could be left out on the S7.

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An iris recognition like or hello face security feature

Fingerprint scanners are a thing of the past and facial recognition technology is where its at. Getting a particular feature on security, which primarily would focus on facial recognition and facial gestures would be somewhat of a true breakthrough in the smartphone security features, giving everyone a full view of what can smartphone security transcend upon. It also helps that it might actually be more harder for people who has bad intentions to get to your information, since facial gestures and recognition heavy security features aren’t necessarily easy to bypass.

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The new Exynos 8890 chip

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The newly introduced Exynos 8 Octa 8890 chip might be something to be featured in a few of Samsung’s upcoming 2016 devices, so its more likely that we’ll see this chip roll on the Galaxy S7. The powerful 8890 chip should fit the next generation Samsung Galaxy S7 and all its glory, and should bring out the best of the S7, by means of system or overall performance capabilities.

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A dual display feature

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The dual display feature present on some devices, such as the LG V10 is somewhat new to the industry. We might see the S7 to feature a few new tricks, which should be understandable, but we’ll unlikely see. However, if Samsung somehow changes their path and great creative with the S7 and try to make this a possibility, we might get to some some new and updated feature of the dual display capability, however, for now, we have to stick around and find out.

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These are all assumptions and wishes that we want to see on the upcoming Galaxy S7, so some of these might actually be implemented in the actual device, though some might be more on wishful thinking, however, we all have a few features in mind that we want to see on the Galaxy S7, if you have one or two in mind, share it with us on the comments section below and we might share some additional features in mind for the Galaxy S7. We appreciate feedbacks from you guys.

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