Now there’s a really smart toy for your kid! Check out CogniToys – a cute little dinosaur which talks, listens and reacts with your child.
CogniToys brings toy to life with speech and personality; allowing them to engage and grow with your children by telling jokes and stories. It isn’t easy implementing this genuinely smart toy, but CogniToys made it possible.
The toy is speech enabled, is connected to the Internet and can access IBM’s supercomputer which interprets the audio pickups in the toy and uses them in a number of interesting ways. Children will be able to ask the toys questions and receive age-appropriate answers. The toy will react to a variety of voice commands, and can tell children stories, or listen to them creating stories.
It also has an advanced educational content which allows children to interact in educational role with spoken lessons in spelling, vocabulary, mathematics and more.
CogniToys is one of the winners of IBM’s Watson Mobile App Developer Challenge, and also in just a day the campaign has already blown past $50, 000 goal!
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