Smartphone companies are often creative in giving a name for their handsets, whether they’re flagship or budget phones or mid-rangers, companies would always side with the most interesting name. However, that ain’t the case every time. In regards to that, we figured to list down a few handsets with ridiculous names. Remember, these handsets don’t necessary suck, but rather, they’re names are quite ridiculous.
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Alright, when we first heard of OnePlus flagships, the OnePlus One and 2 , we said to ourselves, “they could’ve done better”. The name is really simplistic and some may actually prefer that, though OnePlus themselves have yet to establish a series, with soon to be 4 handsets in their wakes, but nevertheless, they should have at least made an effort in being creative with their names. Heck, even OnePlus X is pretty generic.
See also OnePlus One vs 2 review comparison
When we first heard of Acer’s new budget handset, the Liquid Zest, one thing got stuck in our hands, and that’s soap. I understand they’re going for the liquid and zest feel of refreshment and whatnot, but the combination of words felt like they’re not exactly selling a smartphone but instead a detergent or soap. Nevertheless, since the Plus variant is in the wakes, there’s no room for changes Acer.
See also Asus Zenfone Max vs Liquid Zest Plus specs comparison
HTC dropped the One moniker on their latest flagship, the HTC 10 and some may think this is a “meh” move from HTC and would not greatly affect the handset’s success and for that we agree. However, we can’t argue with the fact that the HTC One moniker has already established itself in HTC’s market. Dropping the One could confuse a few unaware smartphone users and could affect it, for long term. However, right now, it seems that’s not the case.
See also HTC 10 full review
HTC’s 2015 One M9 + Supreme camera is quite a mouthful. That alone makes this moniker a tad bit ridiculous from let’s say HTC ChaCha and Salsa, which in fact are ridiculous names on their own. Nevertheless, the mouthful and sometimes unnecessary name of the HTC One M9 + is quite funny and yet annoying at the same time.
See also LG G5 vs HTC 10 review comparison
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