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How to Reduce Your PLDT Plan

How to Reduce Your PLDT Plan
How to Reduce Your PLDT Plan

When you switch providers, it can be a scary experience. You’re probably familiar with the feeling of being thrust into a new, unfamiliar world where all expectations are unknown. It can feel overwhelming and treacherous to make such a significant change, but what if there was an easy way to downgrade your PLDT plan? 

That’s precisely what we’ll show you in this guide. We will walk you through every downgrade step, from discovering which services are available and how much each one costs to choosing the best plan for your needs. With our help, you can downgrade your PLDT plan without stress or anxiety.

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What is the process of a downgrade?

Downgrading your PLDT plan can involve different steps, depending on the downgrade you want. There are three main types of downgrade: package, line, and account. Package downgrade means switching your service to a different provider, while line downgrade means changing your service area or adding new providers. Account downgrade involves deleting your current account and starting from scratch with a new one.

What are the benefits of a downgrade?

The benefits of a downgrade vary depending on what type of downgrade you want. Package downgrades typically have the following benefits:

-You’ll save money on your monthly bills

-You’ll get a better deal on future services

-You’ll be able to use your original equipment

-You won’t have to worry about data roaming fees

-You can downgrade without a penalty

How to Downgrade Your PLDT Plan.

When you downgrade your PLDT plan, you’ll need to consider several factors. These include your current service level, your usage level, and yourPLDT savings goals.

Call the hotlines for PLDT Support.

Before anything else, get in touch with PLDT by calling their hotline, 171, or by visiting their social media pages, PLDT Home on Messenger or @PLDT Cares on Twitter. A customer service agent who will contact you will address your questions regarding lowering your plan.

Declare your intention to downgrade and switch to a less expensive PLDT plan nicely and clearly. Specify your current plan and the one you want to downgrade to.

Availability of service 

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You must first ensure your desired plan is offered in your location. For instance, if PLDT has not yet installed fiber internet in your area, switching from a DSL to a Fiber package could not be an option.

Through the Coverage Check feature on the PLDT Home website, you may quickly determine whether your selected plan is available in your location. Click “APPLY NOW” after selecting your preferred method on the website. To check coverage, enter your address.

Lock-in period 

The lock-in period for your PLDT plan should be your next priority. Different lock-in periods apply to other projects, and they are often disclosed when you use them for the plan, and Lock-in periods may last between one and three years.

If the lock-in time has already passed, just the downgrading cost will be assessed. Otherwise, you will be required to pay a pre-termination charge, typically equivalent to three months of your monthly payment, if you want to downgrade your plan during the lock-in period in addition to the downgrade cost.

Understand the Process of Downgrading

Downgrading can be easy if you follow the steps outlined in this section. However, if you experience difficulties downgrading or unexpected complications, don’t hesitate to contact your provider. In case of emergency, call 112 or go to a nearby hospital or police station.

Downgrade Your Plan Now

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Once you have completed the steps listed in this section, downgrade your PLDT plan as soon as possible. This will help reduce your monthly fees and improve your service level overall.


Downgrading your PLDT plan can be attractive for those looking to save money. Using the right downgrade factors ensures you don’t lose too much valuable time and money.


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