Five Smartphone Security Tips That’ll Keep You and Your Private Information Safe

Smartphones are the ultimate source of our day-to-day activities, we practically rely on them to detail and provide information, as well as store certain information on our end as well, so, truth be told, our smartphones are very fragile devices that store a lot of our vital information. Security functions on our smartphones are highly important, since it helps us prevent any unwanted information nabbing and could prevent any further crimes to be done on us. With that in mind, heres five smartphone security tips that’ll keep you and your info safe.

Update your OS as frequent as possible

By doing so, you’ll be able to wash out a few malware and viruses that happened to find their way on your device. Operating systems, when updated is a sure fire way to get rid of bugs and loopholes that could pretty much make you prone to cyber hacking and other phone related crimes. So, whenever a new update arrives, spare it some time and go for the update. Trust us, it’ll save you all the trouble.

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Add a lock screen to prevent any information leaks, in case of phone nabbing

Adding a lock screen is probably, one of the most common thing that you’ll do, as you get a new phone. This is also one of the most basic way of securing your soon-to-be-added information on your newly purchased or obtained device, making it a top priority, thing to do, when you purchased a smartphone. This is also the frontline security function that will be face off the phone nabbers, if your phone happens to be nabbed, as for providing a solid line of defense on your vital information, stored within your phone. Always have a lock screen, though saying this might likely be weird, since you most likely have one set-up already.

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Research the apps that you’ll use

If an app is a bit fishy for your taste, mainly if they’re asking for way too many accessibility on your phone, then you should research on it before allowing it to take full access on your phone. Sometimes, app makers have a way to get into much much more than just your email and whatnot, they could have hacking mechanisms attached to the app, disguising the latter as a somewhat ordinary applications, so checking the net, for any similar cases or victims will get you the heads up on what to expect. Be prepared and know your apps.

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Never use ONE particular password for accessing vital information

This is actually applicable, not only to smartphones, but on the webspace as a whole. Consistency is always a good thing on some aspects, but to password, its bad. Make sure to always have a different password for very private accounts, such as paypal accounts or banking accounts, since primarily a hacker might easily see a pattern on your passwords and trace it down, then accessing your most private accounts. This is a modern day nightmare to people who really on online transactions through the use of digital money and once everything is out, well lets just say, everything will fall apart. Its best to have a complete list of passwords for specific accounts and provide them in live content, never save them on phones or any other digital devices. Writing them down on paper and keeping the paper safe is your best bet, in keeping those password tracers out of your accounts.

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Be wary of links coming from SMS and Emails

Emails and SMS are one of the ultimate sources of information nabbing. Knowledgeable tech criminals might take this as a great opportunity to get close and personal to their desired information, with the use of certain malwares and various viruses that’ll get its way through your phone, by simply doing a simple thing as pressing a link. The dangers of cyber theft and cyber fraudery is something that is a threat to a modern age joe, though being aware of these certain traps and simply generally having knowledge that they exist would mostly be enough to get yourself out of any sticky situation.

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