Home Tech News Google Earth’s Timelapse Showcases Earth’s Changes for 37 Years

Google Earth’s Timelapse Showcases Earth’s Changes for 37 Years

Google Earth’s Timelapse
Google Earth’s Timelapse

Google Earth has recently received a new feature that everyone would be interested to check out! This is Timelapse, in which Google Earth utilizes 24 million satellite photos they have collected over the past 37 years.

This showcases the changes Earth from various places have gone through. To achieve this great feat, Google collected 24 million photos which accumulate to almost 20 petabytes of satellite imagery. These images come from 1984 until 2020 and with these, they created a single 4.4 terapixel-sized video mosaic.

Other than Timelapse, other features were added, such as Voyager, which lets users have an interactive guided tour. With these guided tours, there are 5 major themes: Changing Forests, Fragile Beauty, Sources of Energy, Warming Planet, and Urban Expansion.

The Timelapse is available to everyone, both with 2D and 3D, meaning that anyone from the government to teachers. This new feature is also helpful to climate change advocates, showing proof of the effects of global warming and climate change on our home and help lessen or even stop its effects.

Click here to experience first-hand Google Earth’s Timelapse feature.




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