Home Tech Editorials Five Highlights of The 2015 League of Legends World Championship Finals

Five Highlights of The 2015 League of Legends World Championship Finals

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credits: Sports5PH

A few days ago, the much awaited League of Legends world championship finals was held and oh boy it was full of memorable highlights. From the opening ceremony of SKT T1’s ace player Faker tumbling in the stage, for no apparent reason but to showcase his “physical” attributes, to the oh so dominating Game 4 of the final series. Lets look back at the days events as we provide you with our top five highlights of League of Legends 2015 world championship finals.

Faker’s awesome or awkward tumble in stage

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faker, preparing to tumble on stage on worlds opening ceremony

Okay, we got to hand it to Faker, that was not expected and by the looks of the crowd’s reaction, we were pretty much all on the same page. On the opening ceremony of the Finals, Ā SKT T1’s Faker tumbled on stage, while being called for the team formation, which was felt a bit awkward and amazing at the same time. The unexpected act from Faker wow’d some of the crowd, while the others were dumbfounded. It was truly one of the most unforgettable highlights of the day, wholeheartedly. I mean its not everyone you get to see the god of league, making a fool of himself on international tv eh?

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The breaking of SKT T1’s streakĀ 

Well this was actually sad to be fair. As a fan of SKT T1, i was really shocked to see them lose in a very convincing manner against KOO tigers in game 3 of the series. The many mistakes of SKT T1 on game 3 felt uncanny of the Korean powerhouse, which was quite unexpected. However, on the upside, KOO was able to showcase that they weren’t a pushover team to begin with, and beating the rest of the worlds finest in league is no dilly dally task. The defeat of SKT brought down a possible no-lose league performance in worlds, but i guess, dreams will only be dreams, for now anyways.

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Rising back from the ashes

SKT’s defeat on game 3 was considered to be a big factor overall, and the social media took its play in criticizing SKT’s poor mechanically plays on game 3 and with that however, SKT was expected to be shaken from the breaking of their winning streak, though it actually delivered an altered effect. Entering game 4, SKT T1 took matters into their own hands and dominated KOO, with Faker’s responsive and calculated ryze plays, which is actually rare for this patch. We felt as if it was more of a slaughter-full, sided game, which brought back the SKT hype, all the way to social media sites. They were victorious and game 4 was truly a game to remember.

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KOO Tigers got the respect of the live european fans

After losing the final game to SKT, KOO tigers, despite losing showcased a happy and contented smile all the way, which brought out the cheers for the well deserved KOO tigers. On the pre-show interview, KOO tigers were a bit saddened that in every game they have played throughout worlds, their team did receive any chanting from the crowd, however, with a well-fought match against, possible the leagues greatest team ever and even bringing down their winning streak, KOO Tigers got what they wanted at the end of the day, the chants and respect of not only the european crowd, but overall, the respect of the worldwide league community.

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First ever 2-time world champion

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skt t1 holds up high the summoners cup

SKT T1’s victory over KOO gave them, their second championship, which is amazing, since there pretty much the only team to do this, though with a young eSport, such as league, this might not even be their last championship. Ā For those who witnessed SKT rise from season 3, fall from grace in season 4 and climbing up back to the top of the ladder in season five is quite an amazing point-of-view and comparing their victory in season 3 than now, it seems that this new SKT is a much more better team, team-wise and personality-wise. Even Faker, who was known to be really serious in his matches showcased a bubbly and attached personality to the league crowd, which he said in an interview, he grew to know and love. The 2-time world championship are here and here to stay, though what more awaits SKT and KOO as they enter a whole new season and goes back to square one.

See also:Ā League of Legends World Championship Finals Are On Its Way; Its SKT T1 VS KOO Tigers

Truth be told, we’re much more looking forward to KOO as a team, since, unlike SKT, they have really high potential to make it back to worlds, and from their performance in worlds, we could expect more from these guys in the LCK. Did you enjoy the article? Just hit us up on the comments section to share your thoughts regarding Ā this world championship finals, we highly appreciate feedbacks and responses from you guys.

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