Antutu has released its September 2020 benchmark charts for both the flagship and mid-range tiers. And after just a month, previous lead takers got dethroned, and newcomers got crowned. Starting with the flagship tier, Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra with Snapdragon 865 16GB/512GB slides down to the third place, no thanks to Vivo iQOO 5 Pro and iQOO 5 — both with 12GB/256GB. Vivo X5 Pro+ is at the fourth place, neck-and-neck with the Legion Gaming Phone Pro and ROG Gaming Phone 3 at fifth and sixth place, respectively. Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, however, is barely hanging for its position at the 10th place.
For the mid-range segment, the Kirin 985 from Honor 30 got beaten by the Redmi 10X Pro 5G and Redmi 10X 5G — both powered by Dimensity 820. The difference is minimal, but that just shows how far MediaTek has come since getting dominated by Qualcomm. Interestingly, the rest of the chart is populated with Kirin 820 and Kirin 985. Qualcomm needs to do some extra work, though, as the Snapdragon 765G on the Reno4 and Snapdragon 768G on the Redmi K30 5G are showing age at the tenth and ninth place, respectively.
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