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The new feature was first introduced as an update. Therefore, updating your YouTube app may be necessary before using the YouTube Widget. Open the app after it has been updated, then shut it down once more. Next, you scan your homescreen for an open area. For a little period of time, tap and hold on the empty spot. On your phone, the widget selector function will appear in the upper left corner. The YouTube Widgets should be among the widgets.

Related: Seagate One Touch SSD, HDD launched in the Philippines

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There are a few parts that make up a mechanical hard disk’s interior structure. It has a magnetic head arm, a magnetic disk, a motor, and a magnetic head. The magnetic head is suspended a few nanometers above the disk surface when the mechanical hard drive is operating. The disk’s surface is covered in numerous tiny lattices. The tiny lattices also include a large number of tiny magnetic particles.

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These disks’ magnetic particles have a certain polarity. When the magnetic particle’s polarity is downward, it is noted as 0. When the magnetic particle’s polarity is upward, it is noted as 1. The magnetic head is able to read the magnetic particles as a result. It accomplishes this by determining the magnetic particle polarity. The magnetic particles on the disk’s polarity can also be altered by the magnetic head’s fluctuating magnetic field. As a result, the information on the disk can be written and revised.

There are several sectors and tracks on the disk. This makes it feasible to precisely pinpoint where the data is located on the disk surface. The disk’s fifth track, seventh sector, contains the data.

Before waiting for the seventh sector to rotate, the head will first swing over the fifth track. Only when the seventh sector rotates beneath the magnetic head can the data be read.

The operation of mechanical hard disks is based on this. Mechanical hard drives are frequently referred to as magnetic disks since they use magnetic poles to store data.


Solid-state drives (SSD) operate on an entirely different set of principles than mechanical hard drives. The structure of solid-state SSDs is entirely electrical. A floating gate transistor is the fundamental component used to store data on a solid-state hard drive. A floating gate layer for storing electrons, a control electrode G, a substrate P, a source electrode D, and a drain electrode S make up the fundamental structure.

In the floating gate layer, we count the amount of electrons as 0 above a specific value and 1 below a specific value.

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The control electrode G must be subjected to a high voltage when writing data. As a result, the electrons can enter the floating gate layer from the tunneling layer. The insulating layer prevents the electrons from moving forward, keeping them trapped in the floating gate layer. These electrons will still be in the floating gate layer after the voltage is removed. The tunneling layer can trap electrons to store a little amount of data because it is effectively an insulator.

A solid-state disk can store data for however many years these electrons can “trap.” A fresh solid-state drive can typically store data for ten years. Because there are ongoing “jailbreaks” of electronic systems with time. The information we save automatically deletes after a specific amount of “jailbreak” electrons is reached.


These electrons are actually released when the data on the SSD is erased. In order for the information to be erased and the electrons to flow out, a high voltage must be applied to the substrate. The procedure of writing and wiping data is clear to us after reading the description above.


Its reading of data operates on a relatively straightforward principle. We apply a low voltage to the control stage when there are no electrons in the floating gate layer (the stored data is 1), which causes the electrons to only gravitate to locations near the tunneling layer. It is unable to penetrate through the tunneling layer, allowing a current to start flowing from the electrode drain.

If current is detected, it is not storing electrons and the read data is 1, hence this indicates that. when the floating gate layer contains electrons (the stored data is 0). In addition, the control electrode receives a low voltage. The electrons in the floating gate layer cannot attract to a place near the tunneling layer because they repel one another. No current will flow via the source drain since it won’t conduct.

If it doesn’t detect current, the read data is 0 and the floating gate layer is holding a specific number of electrons. To store a huge number of 0s and 1s, several floating gate transistors can be stacked one on top of the other. They can hold as much 0101 data as a library’s bookcases can.


The pure electronic structure of the solid-state hard disk has very clear advantages in terms of access speed compared to the mechanical structure of the mechanical hard disk. The mechanical hard disk must swing the magnetic head arm to the top of the appropriate track and wait for the associated sector to roll over before it can begin reading data. Even though the majority of today’s mechanical hard drives have speeds of 7200 or 5400 rpm, which appear to be quite quick, these two operations still have a 10 millisecond latency.

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Although this delay doesn’t really matter to us, it has a big effect on computer memory and CPU. Solid-state SSDs operate exclusively through electrical contact. As a result, magnetic head arms and magnetic disks’ mechanical structure cannot keep up with the pace of electronic impulses.

If your data are randomly dispersed around the disk, the mechanical hard disk will need to perform numerous searches and addresses and wait for the sectors to repeatedly rotate beneath the magnetic head. As a result, the mechanical hard disk’s performance is quite poor and slow when reading scattered files. Consequently, there is poor random read and write performance.

You can comprehend why solid-state drives have a restriction on the number of erasing and writing operations after studying the solid-state drive’s operating principle. This is due to the fact that electrons constantly enter and exit the tunneling layer while recording and erasing. The tunneling layer eventually suffers damage as a result of this.


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