Tinder Can Now Pick Your Best Photos Using AI


Tinder has just launched a new feature called “Photo Selector” that uses AI to help you pick the best photos for your profile.

How to Use Tinder Photo Selector AI

First, you need to create biometric data to find photos of yourself on your device. You can do this by using a profile photo with your face in it or by taking a selfie.

tinder can now pick your best photos using ai
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Suggesting a Profile Photo: Photo Selector only looks for pictures with faces, but it doesn’t use or store any facial details. It does this on your device, and Tinder never sees which photos have faces in them.

Using Biometrics: If you use a profile photo or video selfie, your device generates biometrics (unique data about your face) for comparison. Tinder doesn’t store or see this data, it stays on your device and is deleted once you leave the feature.

The best part? This AI feature works directly on your device, so the app only sees the photos you choose to use for your profile—your entire photo library remains private.

A recent survey found that many users struggle with picking the right profile picture. Over half of singles say it’s a challenge, and most would appreciate an AI tool to help.

Users aged 18 to 24 spend around 33 minutes choosing their photos, showing just how time-consuming it can be.

Overall, Tinder‘s Photo Selector aims to make choosing your profile picture easier and more efficient.